End of the first phase

Today saw the end of the first phase of the project, the getting to know each other phase.  It was important for the students, both the leaders and the KS3/4 pupils, to build up confidence and self-esteem so that trust was obvious between them.

Todays session was a chance to have a bit of fun and cement that relationship with some silly games, after half term we move on to developing numeracy and literacy in the sessions.

I started the session by meeting the boys at Herbert Thompson and getting them set up on Edmodo.  We are using this programme to support the collaboration between all parties to keep the same message going throughout.  The leaders can interact with the pupils and I can add in where needed.  I also intend to use it to support some of the literacy and numeracy work by getting the students to reflect on their sessions in the pool.

So back to todays session.  The leaders set up a course that had the boys having to balance on floating mats to get to a certain point to then have a shot at the basket.  They then added in a further challenge of having to dodge some balls being thrown as a distraction.  This activity had a lot of safety rules in place and it was a real testament to the leaders that they ensured this was all in place before the activity started.

We also started to use Class Dojo on the iPad to support positive behaviours and we tracked how well they were doing throughout the session.

Can’t wait for next term

Showing confidence

This week some of the leaders were unable to make it due to sporting committments but the 4 that were with the group were fantastic and showed exactly how much had been developed over the last few weeks.  Between them they quickly organised a great session and split the responsibilities up.  the session got off to a great start and they decided to do some competitive activity in two teams.  As a warm up they split the group in half and engaged the students with some numeracy work.  Calling out maths questions that the students had to quickly answer for a chance to have a shot at goal. the boys were really trying hard to get the answers correct and were loving the activity.

Star of the session was Harley.  Harley was a little nervous about entering the pool 4 weeks ago, he certainly did not want to get his face wet.  This week (after working with one of the leaders over the last few weeks on water confidence) he not only put his head in the water but he was swimming!!!!!  Well done Harley, great resilience and you are showing so much more confidence.  This has come from his own motivation, supported by the leaders to keep him going.

In the game the boys were breaking lots of rules at first but the leaders kept on top of things and developed the game as it went to ensure all were involved, they added in a second ball to make sure that there was more opportunity to touch the ball.  Great thinking developed from their Dragon Multi Skills training.

Below is a little video of the session

Starting out

We have been in the pool for about 4 weeks now, just building up pool confidence, relationships between the students and ensuring there is lots of trust.  Todays session saw some of the leaders start to think about how they could use some numeracy skills in the activity to help the students.  This proved a real success and without knowing it the students were soon quickly adding and subtracting or reciting timetables as part of the activities they were doing in the pool.


What is Aqua Dragons

Aqua dragons is a PESS initiative that looks to engage students from both College and Primary school to work together.  In this case the Students involved are from Michaelstone College and Herbert Thompson Primary.  The aim of the project is to use physical activity (in this case in the pool) to support the building of students self-esteem, confidence and motivation in school.  We will also be looking to build on this when we introduce literacy and numeracy to the activities to impact on that area of their education through physical activity.

The Leaders have all been trained on using Dragon Multi Skills and are adapting the land based activities into the pool.